Philadelphia, PA Carmelite Monastery of Discalced Nuns – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This June we finished the rebuilding of Hook & Hastings Opus 1977 for the Carmelite Monastery of Discalced Nuns in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The work included rebuilding the chests and action as well as making tonal changes to add a 4′ Octave and 2′ Fifteenth to the Great and replacing the preset pneumatic combination action with an adjustable solid-state system. The case work was also judiciously expanded to allow for easier access for servicing as well as for better egress of pipe speech. The excellent acoustical properties of the stone chapel complement the instrument nicely.
Great | Swell | Pedal |
8 Open Diapason | 8 Stopped Diapason | 16 Subbass |
8 Melodia | 8 Viola | |
4 Octave | 8 Aeoline | |
2 Fifteenth | 4 Flute Harmonic | |
4 Violin | ||
8 Oboe | ||
Tremolo |