Pennsburg, PA St. Mark’s Lutheran Church – Pennsburg, Pennsylvania

On December 3, 2000, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania celebrated the first Sunday in Advent with the inaugural service on their new organ. Crowning three years of hard work by their organ committee, the congregation heard the fruits of their labor speak for the first time.
A compact instrument of two manuals and twenty-two stops, the new organ replaced a 1929 Möller of two manuals and twelve stops. The installation used an existing chamber on the left of the chancel and an existing façade to create a striking visual effect as well as a musical one. The pipework includes five stops from the former Moller as well as some wonderfully colorful strings and reeds by Aeolian-Skinner. The result is a uniquely versatile stop list that will handle a wide range of solo literature as well as providing a variety of resources for hymn and anthem accompaniment including MIDI capability. The organ also features a hand-crafted white oak console built in our shops.
Great | Swell | Pedal |
16′ Gedackt | 8′ Geigen | 16′ Contrabass |
8′ Principal | 8′ Rohrflute | 16′ Bourdon |
8′ Bourdon | 8′ Viola | 16′ Gedackt (Gt) |
8′ Viola (Sw) | 8′ Viola Celeste | 8′ Octave |
4′ Octave | 4′ Principal | 8′ Bourdon |
4′ Nachthorn | 4′ Flute Octaviante | 8′ Viola (Sw) |
2 2/3′ Twelfth | 2′ Spitzflute | 4′ Choralbass |
2′ Fifteenth | II Cornet | 2′ Flute (Gt) |
IV Mixture | III Mixture | 16′ Posaune (Gt) |
8′ Trumpet | 16′ Clarinet | 8′ Trumpet (Gt) |
8′ Clarinet (Sw) | 8′ Hautbois | 4′ Clarinet (Sw) |