Colts Neck, NJ Colts Neck Reformed Church – Colts Neck, New Jersey

Patrick J. Murphy & Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of their opus #39 for the Colts Neck Reformed Church of Colts Neck, New Jersey. The two manual 18 rank organ has 1,093 pipes. The Organ features a new console constructed out of oak, with stop jambs that are terraced, providing the console with a low height profile. The Console, which is moveable on a rolling platform, also includes MIDI interfacing and an on-board record/playback sequencer. The company Tonal Director and President, Patrick J. Murphy, designed a well-rounded American Classic sound, which is versatile enough to play many genres of organ literature. The chest construction, which includes large schwimmer regulators to provide stable winding, also features electro-mechanical action controlled by a state-of-the-art fiber-optic relay system.
Great | Swell | Pedal |
16′ Bourdon | 8′ Chimney Flute | 32′ Resultant |
8′ Principal * | 8′ Gemshorn | 16′ Contra Bass * |
8′ Bourdon | 8′ Gemshorn Celeste | 16′ Bourdon |
8′ Harmonic Flute | 4′ Principal | 8′ Principal * |
8′ Gemshorn | 4′ Harmonic Flute | 8′ Bourdon |
8′ Gemshorn Celeste | 2 2/3′ Quint | 8′ Gemshorn |
4′ Octave * | 2′ Flute | 4′ Principal * |
4′ Chimney Flute | 1 3/5′ Tierce | 16′ Trumpet |
2′ Fifteenth | 1 1/3′ Larigot | 16′ Hautbois |
III-IV Mixture | 16′ Hautbois | 8′ Trumpet |
8′ Trumpet | 8′ Trumpet | 4′ Hautbois |
4′ Clarion | 8′ Hautbois | Great to Pedal 8′ |
Tremolo (affects all stops) | 4′ Hautbois | Swell to Pedal 8′ |
Swell to Great 8′ | Swell 4′ | |