Lewisville, TX Church of the Annunciation – Lewisville, Texas

Patrick J. Murphy & Associates, Inc. has completed the work on this large two-manual organ for the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation in Lewisville, Texas. This instrument, which came from The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota, Florida, has a very illustrious bloodline. Originally, it started out in 1950 as a II/9 Möller opus #8089. In 1958, Aeolian-Skinner added eighteen ranks and designated it as their opus #1385. In the 1980s the organ was rebuilt and enlarged to three manuals by McManis. At this time, several original Möller and A-S Ranks were replaced with “Neo-Baroque” European Pipework, as was the trend of the day. Finally in the 1990s Guzowski and Steppe added a new three manual console and solid state switching. In 2002, Patrick Murphy & Associates traveled to Sarasota, FL to retrieve the instrument destined for Lewisville, TX.
The organ has undergone a tonal transformation to a more “Classic American” scheme under the direction of Dan Garland of Fort Worth, TX. The instrument, while being installed as a two manual, has been prepared for the addition of a choir and solo divisions at a future date. We have constructed new electro-pneumatic slider chests for the main Swell and Great divisions with new offsets and peripherals. There is a new oak case that is housing a new Pedal Principal 16′ and bottom of the Great 8′ Diapason. The organ has retained its three manual console. Installation was completed in March, 2004.
Please visit additional link provided by Church of the Annunciation.
Great | Swell | Pedal |
16′ Gemshorn | 16′ Gedeckt | 32′ Subbass- digital |
8′ Principal | 8′ Geigen Principal | 16′ Principal |
8′ Rohrflute | 8′ Gedackt | 16′ Subbass |
8′ Gemshorn | 8′ Viola | 16′ Gemshorn |
4′ Octave | 8′ Viola Celeste | 16′ Gedeckt |
4′ Nachthorn | 4′ Principal | 10 2/3′ Quinte |
4′ Gemshorn | 4′ Blockflute | 8′ Octave |
2 2/3′ Quint | 2′ Octave | 8′ Subbass |
2′ Octave | 2′ Flute | 8′ Gemshorn |
1 3/5′ Terz | IV Mixture | 8′ Still Gedackt |
IV Mixture | 16′ Bassoon | 4′ Octave |
8′ Trumpet | 8′ Trompette | 4′ Nachthorn |
8′ Cromorne | 8′ Hautbois | 4′ Gemshorn |
Tremolo | 4′ Clarion | 2′ Nachthorn |
8′ Vox Humana | III Mixture | |
32′ C Posaune- digital | ||
16′ Posaune | ||
16′ Bassoon | ||
8′ Trumpet | ||
8′ Hautbois | ||
4′ Hautbois |