Custom Built Pipe Organs

Opus 51

North Wales, PA St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church – North Wales, Pennsylvania

Restoration of this 1901 Charles Durner organ included new wooden mechanical key actions, restoring of the pipework, repainting the façade pipes, completely renovating, and re-tabling the slider chest and re-leathering the winding system and bellows

Great Swell Pedal
8 Open Diapason 8 Violin Diapason 16 Bourdan
8 Melodia 8 Stop Diapason
4 Octave 4 Flute Harmonic
2 Fifteenth 2 Flautino
8 Oboe
Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Pedal Check
Great Piano
Great Forte