Paoli, PA Chapel of the Divine Word, Daylesford Abbey – Paoli, Pennsylvania

Daylesford Abbey is located in Paoli, Pennsylvania and is the home to Catholic priests and brothers of the Norbertine Order. Opus 55 is a completely new instrument in which we retained a few selected pipes from the previous organ. We created a new freestanding case of white oak to house the pipework, new electric windchests and blower. The case, as well as the custom console, was designed and built of white oak with discrete accents and appointments including salmon colored detailing to complement the room’s altar and lectern furnishings.
This instrument is housed in the Chapel of the Divine Word and is used for daily morning mass and for “Prayer of the Hours,” which is held three times each day. This intimate chapel is graced with excellent acoustics and will be the home to this new case and console, which were designed by Frank Friemel and constructed by Patrick J. Murphy & Associates. The small footprint of the instrument was essential in maintaining the limited seating found in this intimate setting.
Manual I | Manual II | Pedal |
8′ Prestant* | 8′ Rohr Flute | 16′ Bourdon |
8′ Bourdon | 8′ Gemshorn | 8′ Prestant |
8′ Gemshorn | 4′ Principal | 8′ Gemshorn |
4′ Principal | 4′ Bourdon | 8′ Bourdon |
4′ Rohrflute | 4′ Gemshorn | 4′ Principal |
2 2/3′ Gemshorn | 2′ Principal | |
2′ Principal | ||
All enclosed except for * |