Baltimore, MD Zion Lutheran Church – Baltimore, Maryland

Patrick J. Murphy & Associates, Incorporated is pleased to announce the completion of a new instrument for Zion Church of the City of Baltimore located in Baltimore, Maryland.
The new PJM instrument, our Opus 60, has 3 manuals and 43 ranks operated on Blackinton-style slider windchests. Offset chests associated with selected retained Mӧller pipework were completely rebuilt to like-new condition and a digital 32’ Contra Trombone and Subbass were also included. A new chassis and layout places all of the pipes within easy reach for tuning access. Twin façades containing pipes of the 16’ Violone and Great and Pedal 8’ Principals, form the fronts of the angled side chambers, a marked improvement over the perfunctory grillwork that preceded them.
“The voicing and scaling has allowed a very warm, unforced sound, and an extremely smooth crescendo. Full organ is exciting, but not overbearing; individual stops are lovely by themselves and in ensembles. They did an amazing job in rescaling the old pipework that was reused, provided some wonderful repurposed pipework (including a Kimball Tuba on 12” wind pressure,) and blending all that with the new pipework. The organ now has a principal chorus, a secondary chorus, reeds and solo possibilities in all divisions.” Organist John Heizer said recently.
The low profile design of the movable PJM signature console is comfortable and allows easy visual communication between the organist and other musicians. The easy-to-navigate Virtuoso control system by IOTI provides all the features expected today in a premier quality instrument. All of the console cabinetry, façade woodworking, chassis and interior mechanical systems were produced in-house by PJM staff.
Installation of the organ began in January 2014 and the instrument was used for the first time the beginning March 2014. The dedication recital on September 21 was played by Eric Plutz to a packed house, and John Heizer asserts, “I think that every pipe was heard! The organ received much praise for its voicing and expressive qualities.” AGO President Dr. John Walker said, “My sincere congratulations to you, your committee and church members, and to Patrick Murphy & Associates upon the outstanding success of this fine instrument. Not only for your parish but also for the entire city, this organ will be a great blessing. Thank you for the dedicated commitment which has turned vision into reality!”
We would like to thank Mr. John Heizer, Zion’s Organist-Choirmaster, The Rev. Holger Roggelin, Pastor and all the members of Zion Lutheran for their hard work and commitment to the project.
Great | Swell | Choir | Pedal |
16′ Violone | 16′ Rohr Gedackt * | 8′ Gemshorn | 32′ Subbass** |
8′ Principal | 8′ Geigen Diapason | 8′ Stopped Diapason | 16′ Contrabass |
8′ Bourdon * | 8′ Rohrflute | 8′ Erzähler | 16’ Violone (gt) |
8′ Harmonic Flute | 8′ Viola de Gambe | 8′ Erzähler Celeste tc | 16’ Subbass |
8′ Violoncello | 8′ Viole Celeste tc | 4′ Geigen Octave | 16′ Lieblich Gedackt (sw) |
4′ Octave | 4′ Principal | 4′ Koppelflute | 8′ Principal |
4′ Chimney Flute | 4′ Flauto Traverso | 2′ Principal | 8′ Violoncello (gt) |
2 2/3′ Cornet II | 2′ Open flute | 1′ 1/3′ Larigot | 8′ Subbass |
1′ 1/3′ Mixture IV | 2′ Mixture III-IV | 1′ Mixture III | 4′ Octave |
8′ Trumpet* | 16′ Bassoon | 8′ Clarinet | 4′ Harmonic Flute (gt) |
4′ Clarion* | 8′ Trumpet | 8′ Tuba | 32′ Contra Trombone** |
8’ Tuba (ch) | 8′ Oboe | Tremolo | 16′ Trombone |
Tremolo | Tremolo | 16′ Bassoon (sw) | |
8′ Trumpet (gt) | |||
8′ Clarion (gt) | |||
* enclosed with Choir | ** digital, 32 notes | ||
Includes most standard inter and intra manual couplers and MIDI Peterson ICS with Record and Playback features . |